Buying Local: The role of procurement in helping to make Australia

Published on June 21, 2024
Buying Local: The role of procurement in helping to make Australia

In these times of economic restraint, the impact and importance of purchasing goods made in 
Australia, as well as having robust buy local procurement plans and targets to increase Australian 
made and owned spend is critical now more than ever. 

The advantages are wide-reaching for both consumers and the nation. Buying Australian made 
benefits society by creating more jobs for Australians and supporting our local supply chain. Buying 
Australian made benefits the economy by keeping money onshore. And of course, the environmental impact cannot be overlooked. Procuring locally made goods can reduce the carbon footprint associated with the transportation and distribution of goods manufactured overseas. 

It was only recently, during the pandemic, that global production issues, challenges with sourcing raw 
materials and transport delays forced many organisations to re-evaluate their sourcing strategies to 
reduce supply risk. Sourcing locally is an excellent way to mitigate this risk. But it hasn’t just been up to private enterprise to drive change. To help support local manufacturers and businesses during these times of unpredictable and fluctuating economic conditions, various levels of government have created stimulus for the Australian manufacturing sector and initiated other programs to give local businesses an enhanced opportunity when bidding for government contracts and tenders.

With Australian made at the forefront of national interest, in 2023 Winc undertook a research project 
to gain insight into the importance of buying local for Australian organisations. In March 2024, they 
revisited the topic to understand if and how the landscape had changed 12 months on. 

See the full report by Winc below:

Winc Report


Winc's Australian Made Range

Winc offers a wide range of Australian made products for every room in the workplace. To help make sourcing Australian made products easier for procurement professionals, Winc have recently updated our Australian made catalogue. 

View Catalogue


Source: Winc

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