Procurement Australia delivers Collaborative Procurement and the Trade Practices Act

Published on June 10, 2019

Procurement Australia delivers Collaborative Procurement and the Trade Practices Act

Seminar, covering Local Government Aggregated and Collective Buying by Councils – Legal Issues

Presented by

Scott Alden, Head of Finance and Projects Sydney, DLA Piper Australia

To assist members keeping pace with legal developments in the law, Procurement Australia and DLA Piper Australia conducted a workshop on how the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) affects Local Governments’ collaborative and collective procurement practices.

Scott has specific experience in providing legislative compliance advice and in-house training on procurement and associated issues, including the competition issues that may arise. Further, his practical, solutions based approach and strong understanding of the public and private sectors provide his clients with the foundation to successfully balance their commercial objectives against the legal risks associated with these issues.

This workshop provided practical solutions, based on industry knowledge and professional experiences. This was an opportunity for members to learn more about this area of law, which is particularly relevant to Local Governments. If you are interested in having one of these seminars please contact

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