Collaboration Unlocks Premium Savings for Local Government Group
Local Government group in Victoria works with Insure Right to optimise their collective insurance arrangements, achieving significant savings on premium costs.

Significant Cost Savings
Delivered substantial premium savings through a competitive group tender process.
Enhanced Policy Conditions
Improved insurance coverage and terms tailored to the councils’ specific needs.
Stronger Broker Relationships
Fostered transparency and collaboration between councils and brokers, ensuring ongoing value and support.

Independent Expertise Sought for Governance Review
Insure Right was approached by a group of eight Local Government Councils in Victoria that required the services of an independent expert as part of an internal corporate governance review.

Balancing Budget Pressures with Effective Risk Management
The councils faced a variety of financial and operational pressures with reduced federal funding and rate-capping measures limiting revenue, so they were all eager to save money; however, their responsibilities extended far beyond budget management.
Due to their position within the government and their public accountability, they faced numerous high-frequency losses that could lead to substantial costs over time. Consequently, insurance played a crucial role in their risk management strategies. As a result, the councils were eager to test the adequacy of their insurance arrangements and reassess their long-standing relationship with their insurance broker

Leveraging Collective Power for Cost-Effective Insurance Solutions
One advantage of the council’s position was their universal coverage requirements because a lot of their exposures and subsequent insurance requirements were very similar. Moreover, they shared several common goals: reducing insurance costs, enhancing policy coverage, and ensuring their brokers were providing the best value.
To address the councils’ objectives and maximise their cost-saving potential, Insure Right proposed a collective Request for Proposal (RFP) tender process. This approach involved grouping the councils’ insurance needs into a single tender opportunity, which was advertised to brokers in the market as a unified “group” tender.
By aggregating their insurance buying power, the councils were a much more attractive opportunity to potential brokers. This strategy allowed the councils to maintain their individual programs while benefiting from the competitive leverage of negotiating as a collective. It also enabled the councils to share all costs associated with running the tender exercise.
Insure Right’s senior partners took the lead in coordinating the tender process, ensuring that each council’s specific needs were addressed.

Creating Competitive Tension to Deliver Savings and Enhanced Service
The group tender concept was well-received by insurance brokers as it enabled them to present larger potential premium pools to insurers. This significantly heightened the competitive tension in the marketplace, leading to significant cost savings across the group, enhanced policy conditions, and better service from their brokers and insurers.
Moreover, Insure Right facilitated a more transparent working relationship between the councils and their appointed brokers, eliminating any potential concerns around broker advocacy or support.

A Collaborative Approach for Long-Term Impact
Partnering with Procurement Australia empowered the Local Government group to optimise their insurance arrangements through a strategic, collective approach. The expertly coordinated RFP process not only delivered substantial cost savings and enhanced policy conditions but also fostered stronger, more transparent relationships with their brokers, ensuring a foundation for sustainable success in managing future risks.
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Contact us to learn how we can help you achieve better value and lasting impact through strategic procurement.