New Mindsets – Transparent Society

Published on July 06, 2019

The ‘circular economy’ – where waste is minimised and the most is made of all resources used in the supply chain – is pivotal to a procurement professional’s search for sustainable products and services.

This change is so integral to our work today that yesterday’s mindsets are requiring a whole new perspective especially when you consider that today’s emerging ‘transparent society’ and circular economy will be firmly real in 2025-2030.

These phenomena require much more than ‘corporate social responsibility (CSR)’ reports posted on company websites – in fact in many industries there will need to be a total rethink of the corporate/social relationship.

A mindset change on today’s older generation of managers by newer, younger industry entrants. Such a change has already started in sectors such as entertainment and food, and it will only expand as these younger generations enter maturity.

Learn more about the mindsets of the future at our Futureproofing Procurement conference on 23 August 2019.

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